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Fully Funded Shanghai Government Scholarship for 2024/2025

Fully Funded Shanghai Government Scholarship for 2024/2025

The Shanghai Government Scholarship (SGS) for the academic year 2024-2025 is a fully funded opportunity designed for international students pursuing undergraduate, master’s, and PhD studies. This prestigious scholarship encompasses full coverage of tuition fees, on-campus accommodation, comprehensive medical insurance, and a monthly living allowance of up to CNY3500.

Initiated in 2006, the Shanghai Government Scholarship aims to bolster the development of international student education in Shanghai, attracting bright minds from around the world. This scholarship provides a unique opportunity to study in Shanghai, offering scholarships to non-Chinese students in diverse disciplines such as philosophy, economics, law, education, literature, history, management, science, engineering, agriculture, medicine, and art.

Scholarship Summary:

  • Level of Study: Undergraduate, Masters, PhD
  • Institutions(s): Shanghai Universities (Check list below)
  • Study in: China
  • Courses Offered: Philosophy, economics, law, education, literature, history, management, science, engineering, agriculture, medicine, and art.
  • Program Period: Bachelor’s Degree Program: 4 to 5 years, Master’s Degree Programs: 2 to 3 years, Doctoral Degree Programs: 3 to 4 years
  • Deadline: Between January to June of each year

List of Shanghai Universities

No. Universities Web Site
1 Fudan University https://iso.fudan.edu.cn/isoenglish/
2 Shanghai Jiao Tong University http://isc.sjtu.edu.cn/EN/Default.aspx
3 Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine https://www.shsmu.edu.cn/iso_en/
4 Tongji University https://study.tongji.edu.cn/English/
5 East China Normal University https://english.ecnu.edu.cn/
6 East China University of Science and Technology https://ies.ecust.edu.cn/en/index.php
7 Shanghai International Studies University http://en.shisu.edu.cn/
8 Donghua University https://english.dhu.edu.cn/
9 Shanghai University of Finance and Economics https://ices.sufe.edu.cn/enices/
10 Shanghai University https://apply.shu.edu.cn/application/index
11 University of Shanghai for Science and Technology http://isoe.usst.edu.cn/
12 Shanghai Maritime University https://en.shmtu.edu.cn/
13 Shanghai Conservatory of Music https://en.shcmusic.edu.cn/main.htm
14 Shanghai Theatre Academy https://en.sta.edu.cn/
15 Shanghai University of Sport https://eng.sus.edu.cn/Admission.htm
16 East China University of Political Science and Law https://study.ecupl.edu.cn/
17 Shanghai Ocean University https://www.shou.edu.cn/eng/6689/list.htm
18 Shanghai University of Electric Power http://fao.shiep.edu.cn/en/
19 Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine https://iec.shutcm.edu.cn/en/
20 Shanghai Normal University https://english.shnu.edu.cn/
21 Shanghai University of International Business and Economics https://www.suibe.edu.cn/wsc/lhlx/
22 Shanghai University of Engineering Science https://cie.sues.edu.cn/
23 Shanghai Lixin University of Accounting and Finance http://en.lixin.edu.cn/
24 Shanghai Polytechnic University http://lxs.sspu.edu.cn/
25 Shanghai Dianji University https://ies.sdju.edu.cn/
26 Shanghai Institute of Technology https://inter.sit.edu.cn/4829/list.htm
27 Shanghai Business School https://english.sbs.edu.cn/
28 Shanghai University of Political Science and Law http://int.shupl.edu.cn/
29 Sanda University https://global.sandau.edu.cn/
30 Shanghai Jian Qiao University http://www.gench.edu.cn/
31 Shanghai University of Medicine & Health Sciences http://www.sumhs.edu.cn/

Shanghai Government Scholarship offers two types of scholarships:

Type A (Full Scholarship):

  • Exemption from full tuition fees.
  • On-campus accommodation.
  • Comprehensive medical insurance.
  • Monthly living allowance:
    • Doctoral program: CNY3500
    • Graduate program: CNY3000
    • Undergraduate program: CNY2500

Type B (Partial Scholarship):

  • Exemption from tuition fees.
  • Comprehensive medical insurance.

Eligibility Criteria for Shanghai Government Scholarship: To be eligible for the Shanghai Government Scholarship, candidates must meet the following requirements:

  • Required Languages: Generally, applicants should achieve a Chinese level of HSK4 and meet the language requirements of the applied university and program.
  • Eligible Countries: All countries except Chinese citizens.
  • Applicants must be non-Chinese citizens in good health.
  • Specific age requirements for different programs.

How to Apply for Shanghai Government Scholarship: Follow these step-by-step application instructions to avail the Shanghai Government Scholarship:

  1. Register and apply online through http://study.edu.sh.gov.cn/en/ise.html. Submit the online application and download the application form.
  2. Register and apply online through the selected university website. Submit the online application and pay the application fee (if applicable).
  3. After submitting the online application, download and print out the application form. Mail two sets of hard-copy application documents to the university.
  4. General documents required include the application form, academic transcripts, highest diploma, health certificate, passport photocopy, certificates of awards (if any), and a Guardian’s Letter of Guarantee for applicants under 18.
  5. Ensure your email address is correct, and regularly check for important information.
  6. The result of your application will be announced in your application account and on the bulletin of the International Students’ Office website.
  7. Admitted students must bring the original graduation certificate and diploma to complete the registration process.

For detailed information on the application process, please visit the official website:

Official Website


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