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Jefferson Scholars Foundation National Fellowship in USA for 2024

Jefferson Scholars Foundation National Fellowship in USA for 2024

The Jefferson Scholars Foundation National Fellowship for the academic year 2024-2025 is a fully funded doctoral scholarship tailored for international students pursuing a PhD. This prestigious fellowship offers a comprehensive package, including a $25,000 stipend, access to a dedicated office, library resources, inter-library loan privileges, internet connectivity, the opportunity to present research in Hagley’s seminar series, and the option to utilize Hagley’s discounted scholar accommodations.

Each Business and Politics Fellow, like other National Fellows, is paired with a senior scholar in their respective field who acts as a mentor, offering crucial guidance throughout the year. Additionally, the Fellow participates in meetings during the autumn and spring, receiving instruction on expanding the reach of their research to a broader audience.

Scholarship Summary:

  • Level of Study: PhD
  • Institution(s): Jefferson Scholars Foundation
  • Study Location: USA
  • Program Fields: Business, Politics
  • Program Duration: Three academic years
  • Deadline: February 01, 2024

Scholarship Coverage: The Jefferson Scholars Foundation National Fellowship provides the following benefits to its recipients:

  • A stipend of $25,000 for the year.
  • Access to an office, stack access, inter-library loan privileges, internet connectivity, the opportunity to present research in Hagley’s seminar series, and the option to use Hagley’s discounted scholar accommodations.

Eligibility Criteria for Jefferson Scholars Foundation National Fellowship: To qualify for the Jefferson Scholars Foundation National Fellowship, applicants must satisfy the following requirements:

  • Required Language: English
  • Eligible Countries: Open to applicants from all countries worldwide.
  • Applicants must be Ph.D. candidates who anticipate completing their dissertation by the conclusion of the Fellowship year. This is not a post-doctoral fellowship, and non-U.S. citizens are eligible to apply.
  • Each Fellow is expected to participate in two conferences, one in the fall and one in the spring, providing opportunities to present research and findings to the scholarly community at the Jefferson Scholars Foundation and the University of Virginia. Expenses for both conferences are covered by the Jefferson Scholars Foundation.
  • While residence at the Jefferson Scholars Foundation is encouraged, it is not mandatory for all Fellows, except for the Jefferson Scholars/Hagley Library Dissertation Fellowship, which necessitates residence at the Hagley Library during the academic year. Fellows who choose to be in residence will receive an additional stipend of $1,500 in lieu of travel and lodging expenses for the spring and fall conferences.
  • All Fellows, regardless of residency, are expected to actively participate in and contribute to the interdisciplinary community of the Jefferson Scholars Foundation.

How to Apply for Jefferson Scholars Foundation National Fellowship: To apply for this fellowship, please adhere to the following instructions:

The application should include the following materials, adhering to the stated word or page limits:

  • Applicant information sheet
  • Project description (1,200 words) outlining your dissertation or book, articulating the thesis, explaining its contribution to or revision of existing scholarship, and elucidating the rationale for selecting this particular topic
  • Op-ed or blog post (750 words), either published or as a sample, applying a major finding from your research to a current public policy issue, similar to pieces featured in publications like the New York Times or Slate.com
  • Bibliography (3 pages)
  • Curriculum vitae (2 pages)
  • Writing sample (maximum 40 pages), consisting of either one chapter from your dissertation with a one-page introduction contextualizing the chapter within the broader project OR an accepted/published journal article
  • TWO letters of recommendation (one of which must be from your advisor). Letters of recommendation can be initiated through the application process or sent to the Selection Board at nationalfellows@jeffersonscholars.org.

For additional information about the Jefferson Scholars Foundation National Fellowship, please visit the official website.

[Official Website – Learn More]


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