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University of Auckland International Student Excellence Scholarship 2024/2025

University of Auckland International Student Excellence Scholarship 2024/2025

The University of Auckland International Student Excellence Scholarship is now open for applications, targeting prospective international undergraduate and postgraduate students interested in pursuing taught PGDip or Masters programs with 120 points or more. Additionally, the scholarship extends to those applying for undergraduate degrees with overseas secondary or post-secondary qualifications, covering studies in any subject.

This scholarship initiative aims to draw in high-caliber international students who are keen to enroll in undergraduate or postgraduate taught programs lasting one year or more at the University of Auckland.

Host Institution:

University of Auckland

Level/Field(s) of Study:

Bachelors, Postgraduate Diploma, or Masters (taught) degrees in any subject

Number of Scholarships: 50

Target Group:

International students

Scholarship Value/Inclusions:

Bi-annually, up to 50 scholarships will be granted, each valued at a maximum of $10,000, intended for both postgraduate and undergraduate study.


Applicants must be new international students with an unconditional offer (or conditional offer for English Language Academy students) for Postgraduate Diploma or Masters (taught) programs of 120 points or more. Alternatively, applicants can be those seeking undergraduate degrees with overseas secondary or post-secondary qualifications. A minimum grade point equivalent (GPE) of 6.00 is generally expected.

Selection will be based on academic merit, the quality of the application letter, and endorsement by the applicant’s referee. The selection committee may also consider the applicant’s country of origin.

Application Instructions:

Scholarship applications typically open approximately six weeks before the closing date. For studies starting in July 2024, the application deadline is 18 April 2024, and for those commencing in February 2025, the deadline is 21 November 2024. Interested candidates are encouraged to review the scholarship regulations and visit the official website (accessible via the provided link) for comprehensive details on the application process.

Website: Official Scholarship Website


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